Our heroes arrive in the town of Rosewater and are quickly recruited into a quest to save a young boy named Hamarand. Young Hamarand has ventured into the cursed Thornheart Grove in search of a magic flower to heal his mother of her surely fatal disease. Our heroes, in search of the same flower to heal their own magical ailments, go in search of the young boy.
A seemingly safe journey through the woods is guided by a hastily recruited beaver named Chuck. Chuck guides the heroes along a “vineway” where the group is ambushed by several ugly spider things. The spiders are no match for our heroes and are quickly dispatched.
The heroes arrive at the Thornheart Grove, attempting to devise a plan to safely traverse the thorny labyrinth, Kitchenrack, charges into the narrow entryway and plows through the vines, making a safe tunnel for the others to enter. In the center of the Grove, they find the magic flower, as well as young Hamerand about to be strangled by flesh eating vines. With the help of Chuck the beaver, the group battles their way to Hamarand and saves him before the vines can feast on his flesh.
In their haste, the group disturbs the guardian of the grove, a giant, flesh eating pumpkin! Although scary, the pumpkin is no match for the heroes and it too is vanquished. The heroes are triumphant and gain a level.